Something is a bit wonky with my computer... check out this guy while I'm gone for a bit.
Documentary: Kid Koala
0 Comments Published by FM 90.1【言樂坊】 on Thursday, August 17, 2006 at 7:05 PM.
A lovely little doc about DJ/turntablist Mr. Eric San aka Kid Koala, followed by a video of "Fender Bender" off of his 2000 Ninja Tune debut "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome".
"Kid Koala - 7 Minute Documentary" courtesy sadr
"Fender Bender" video courtesy sadr
Official site: Kid Koala (Currently on tour across North America and will be playing Vancouver on Nov 5!)
"Kid Koala - 7 Minute Documentary" courtesy sadr
"Fender Bender" video courtesy sadr
Official site: Kid Koala (Currently on tour across North America and will be playing Vancouver on Nov 5!)
- Christiaan Virant and Zhang Jian of FM3
繼去年發行而驚動一時的 "Buddha Machine", 北京二人電子組合 FM3 今回延續他們的神化氣色並與同樣熱衷於實驗音樂的竇唯再次合作制成出一張名為 "后觀音" 的大碟. 這次是兩個音樂單位繼 2004年 "镜花缘记" 的再一次合作. "后觀音" 是由香港的 Lona Records 發行.
在多倫多的朋友,請留意 FM3 將會在9月30日於一個名為 "Night Swim" 的活動中與 Windy & Carl, Keith Whitman, Polmo Polpo 同臺演出. 詳情:
"后觀音" (2006) Tracklist:
2. 烏
5. 無
9. 吾
11. 悟
- FM3 Buddha Machine: FM3 interview with Boomkat
- 后觀音: Lona Records CD description
- FM3官方網頁
- 竇唯官方網頁
and i'll leave you with a video from "后觀音"...
- courtesy Lona Records