展覽: Germaine Koh @ Centre A
0 Comments Published by FM 90.1【言樂坊】 on Wednesday, January 17, 2007 at 8:50 PM.For almost a year, I used to ride the 160 bus to work five times a week. Everytime the bus go pass the intersection between East Hastings and Main St. (and continues on to a nice little bank called Pigeon Park Savings), there are always rolls of street people lining up at the return-it depot waiting to cash in on the empty bottles they've salvaged from the dumpsters. Reflecting on this poverty-riden neighbourhood, Germaine Koh has created an art installation, currently on display at Centre A until Feb 16.
藝人官方網頁: Germaine Koh
展館官方網頁: Centre A
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