- Michael Lückner + Ayako Akashiba
"Tokyo" (2006) tracklist:
1. Sunday Afternoon At Tamagawa River
2. Naoki
3. Red & White
4. Tokyo Memory
5. Ayako
6. Wash Me Away
7. Akiko
8. Sakura Coming
9. Maki
樂隊官方網頁: Guitar
溫哥華西門菲沙大學電台中文節目【言樂坊】. 逢星期六 (Sat) 12-1pm PST 播出.
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I wrote a small paragraph about your show.
主唱那麼老你還說不錯, Jack我很懷疑你的審美標準, 哈哈。
i think Jack is saying he dispises their use of chinese instrument... it's by no means a compliment. hehe
No Charles, Jack said the front lady is not bad.
But he just confessed that he only likes her vocal, not her face. Hahah~~